How Do I Deal With Harassing Text Messages During a Custody Battle?

Custody battles are difficult situations. They can be financially draining and emotionally draining. There can be instances where people are in a state of emotion where they get involved in irrational and illogical thought processes. 

Sometimes, these thoughts can provoke a person to act on their feelings. In the video, Atty. Tyler Monahan of Turner-Monahan, PLLC, elaborates on the negative impacts of doing so. He also explains what can happen if the other person harasses you during the case. 

No matter how tough it gets, resist your urge to act out. Seek assistance from someone experienced in the field who can evaluate your case. If you have any questions regarding the custody case or facing a divorce, contact the firm to speak to an attorney. All case evaluations and suggestions that our attorneys make are in the light of Texas Family Law.

Harassment Over Texts, Emails And Calls 

One of the issues that we see at our firm is that a lot are emails and text messages are going back and forth between the parties. Social media accessibility and platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc

If you’re in a situation where you have an issue with texting or emails, you should keep away from the phone. It is natural to feel extremely angry. Even though you want to send them texts and spout out how you feel upset or have been wronged, refrain from doing so. 

Remember that anything and everything that we have stated in a text message and or an email will be recorded. So if you’re in a custody battle, you want to make sure that you watch your P’s and Q’s on what you’re stating. 

Texas is a “one-party” consent state, which means that it is legal for a spouse to record a phone conversation without asking permission from the other spouse. So, if you say anything to your spouse over phone calls and they have recorded it, they can present that in court in the form of evidence. You must maintain boundaries and be mindful of your words. 

There can also be instances where the other party sends you information and says something that maybe you don’t like. That’s actually evidence that will help you in your custody battle. 

At Turner-Monahan, we have had multiple cases where clients will contact and ask to contact the other counsel. Or, if the other party doesn’t have a representation, then the clients would request to contact them in person to tell them to stop sending the text and stop sending emails. 

But, it’s extremely crucial to understand that those very emails in those text messages actually might be the evidence you need in your case to change what’s going on or show the court what you mean. You can show them the proof that will confirm what you have been fighting for. If you are planning to do so, do not fire back because it will neutralize that communication. 

So, keep a cool head, and allow them to continue to send those things so long as they’re not in a manner to where you believe that your life has been threatened and or your fear for your safety or physical bodily injury. 

If there is some sort of threat, contact your attorney or an attorney like Turner Monahan because that may be grounds for asking for a protective order for harassment and other actions of that nature.

Hire A Fort Worth Attorney 

Every divorce and custody case is unique. Thus, it would help to talk to a qualified attorney with extensive family law experience. At Turner Monahan, PLLC, our legal team has the expertise and resources to help you sort out your case. 

Whether your spouse is harassing you or other occurences have confused you regarding your next steps, make sure you discuss your case in detail. Contact attorney Tyler Monahan and schedule a free consultation to go over the details. 

In addition, check our website for more information about our services. At Turner-Monahan, we believe that the clients must know the correct details about the legal procedures. Go through our blog to find out more regarding your case. 


The commentary and opinions are for informational and educational purposes only and not to provide legal advice. You should contact an attorney in your state to obtain legal advice concerning any particular issue or problem. You can become a client and enter the attorney-client privilege only after hiring Turner-Monahan, PPLC, by signing a written retainer agreement.

Speak to an Attorney today at the Law Office of Turner-Monahan to see how we can assist you in your divorce!


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