Can a Parent Send Someone Else to Pick Up or Drop off the Child for Visitation or Other Activities?

A good parenting or custody plan details each parent’s transport responsibilities. The trial is sometimes perceived as the most challenging part of child custody. However, issues can arise at any stage, and those can complicate the lives of parents and their children. 

It is normal to have a hectic schedule where the parent is unable to pick up the child for visitation or even for school. Atty. Tyler Monahan of Turner-Monahan, PLLC, elaborates on the scenario in the video and explains what the law says regarding it. 

If you are going through a custody battle or have similar questions, contact the firm to speak to an attorney. All case evaluations and suggestions that our attorneys make are in the light of Texas Family Law.

Designating A Competent Adult For Transportation 

Every case in the state of Texas must follow the court orders, even if it’s in regards to a parent designating a competent adult to pick up a child. This can be a case when maybe that parent is not able to pick up a child for their visitation period or for school and or for other activities. 

Any parent under an order with a clause and a provision that states that a parent may designate a competent adult to pick up and or drop off the child can go ahead with the process. So long as it’s for the picking up and dropping off. 

However, it doesn’t mean that that competent adult is now going to substitute in for the entire visitation or substituting at length for visitation.

The courts do understand that sometimes parties are unable to pick up children, and they want to allow for one party or the other party to designate a competent adult to be able to pick up the child and make sure they get to where they need to go.

According to the Texas Family Code, Sec. 153.316 (6)

Either parent may designate a competent adult to pick up and return the child, as applicable;  a parent or a designated competent adult shall be present when the child is picked up or returned.”

Child custody and visitation are extremely sensitive issues. Before you make any progress and follow up on your intention to file, make sure to contact an attorney. Understand your case inside and out to get the best possible outcome for your child. 

Hire A Fort Worth Attorney 

With more than 1000+ cases served, 45 years of practicing, and 24/7 availability, Turner-Monahan PLLC, takes pride in its experience and abilities to assist individuals with their family law cases. 

Contact attorney Tyler Monahan and schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. In addition, check our website for more information about visitation and custody


The commentary and opinions are for informational and educational purposes only and not to provide legal advice. You should contact an attorney in your state to obtain legal advice concerning any particular issue or problem. You can become a client and enter the attorney-client privilege only after hiring Turner-Monahan, PPLC, by signing a written retainer agreement.

Speak to an Attorney today at the Law Office of Turner-Monahan to see how we can assist you in your divorce!


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