What Questions Should I Be Asking Before Hiring An Attorney For A Divorce?

What Questions Should I Be Asking Before Hiring An Attorney For A Divorce? In situations that you are seeking representation to file a divorce, you have to make sure that you are asking the right questions.

The bottom line is you want to find somebody that makes you feel comfortable. Their initial goal is to figure out how to make the divorce possible without having a long and drawn out process.

The attorneys at Turner-Monahan have helped thousands of clients through Divorce cases and know how to create and fight for a plan that works for you.

Learn today from Tyler Monahan what questions you should be asking a Divorce lawyer before hiring them.

In a situation where you are in the process of seeking representation for divorce, you want to make sure that you’re asking your attorney questions about how often they take on divorce cases.

What percentage of it are divorces of their practice? What about their staff? Is their staff well versed? How did they approach the divorce process? Do they lead with a stick? Or do they bring the honey first and see what happens?

Are they out looking to try to take as long as possible to run up fees for your divorce? Or are they in a position where they understand that it’s their job as we believe here at Turner Monahan, to find a way for you and your spouse or soon to be former spouse to coexist later on down the line, especially if you have children.

And to be able to communicate and put in a plan, whether it’s dividing your assets and or dividing your assets and the rights and duties and possession and access of your children.

You need to make sure that you find somebody that makes you feel comfortable, and that their initial goal is to figure out how to make that possible without having a long and drawn out divorce process.

Not to say there aren’t situations where one part of the other causes a long drawn out divorce situation and there are several times that occurs, which were you’ll have to do discovery and possibly depositions and subpoenas of other things, and there are appropriate times that need to be done.

But on the front end, you need to make sure that you understand what you’re getting into with the attorney that you’re hiring. Make sure it’s somebody that you feel comfortable with and that you’re going to have a good working relationship with your attorney.

In regards to Turner Monahan, we have two offices one in downtown Fort Worth, which we are about two and a half blocks, maybe three blocks from the Tarrant County Family Law Center, and our other one is in Johnson County, which is about two or three blocks away from Johnson County Quinn Justice Center.

Both of our offices handle about 70% Family Law and 30% criminal. And here in our Fort Worth office, I would say that our Fort Worth office is probably closer to 80 to 85% family and 15% criminal.

We handle divorces and adoptions sued affecting Parent Child relationships and modifications, and numerous other family law matters. Whether they be enforcements or writ of attachment or writ of habeas corpus, we handle those on a daily basis.

This is what we call our bread and butter. We do this every day. It’s what we build our practice around. It’s what we take pride in. And all of our staff members have been doing this for quite some time. And this is something that we enjoy doing.

We understand that family law cases, they’re trying times and they’re difficult. And you need to make sure that you have somebody that you believe can assist you in navigating through those muddy waters. To be able to come out on the other end for some clear water and clarity and to be able to move forward with your lives.


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