Does It Matter Who Files for Divorce First?

Everybody wonders whether being the petitioner or being the respondent matters during a divorce. For the purpose of judicial fairness, it doesn’t matter. But there are some cases where taking on the role of the petitioner is the route to take.

Situations Where It’s Best to File The Divorce First

The court operates and views the two parties with fairness and just. As we said earlier, there will be situations where being the petitioner is beneficial especially to the petitioner. These situations may be the following:

  1. Violence to you, your children, or your family.
  2. Drugs and alcohol.
  3. Any other forms of life-endangerment.

Further to filing for the divorce petition immediately when any of these delicate situations arise, you may also need to file for a protective order or a restraining order.

In the video, Mr. Tyler Monahan suggests that in delicate cases where there could be life endangerment acting as the petitioner is the route to go.

If you feel that your life or your children’s life is in danger, it might be time to start your divorce process.

File for Divorce in Fort Worth, Texas

In conclusion, it is important to remember who files the divorce first and when they file it doesn’t affect the court decision for your divorce. Being the petitioner or being the respondent will not make or break your divorce case. The court will always create the judgement with fairness.

Thinking of filing for your divorce petition? Get in touch with an experienced divorce attorney in Fort Worth, Texas today!

Speak to an Attorney today at the Law Office of Turner-Monahan to see how we can assist you in your divorce!


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