Can I Still Get Medical Insurance Benefits From My Spouse’s Employer After The Divorce?

Divorce is a difficult time for all involved and can affect both parties financially. When one spouse decides to end the marriage, it can leave both of them with serious financial problems. 

Many families in Texas get health insurance through one spouse’s employment. But what happens when a marriage disintegrates? Is it possible for a non-employee spouse to stay on their ex-spouse’s health insurance after a divorce? What about the children?

In the video, Atty. Tyler Monahan of Turner-Monahan, PLLC, elaborates on whether a mother is always the primary conservator of the child. All case evaluations at Turner Monahan PLLC and suggestions that the attorneys make are in the light of Texas Family Law. This content is for educational purposes only. 

Getting Medical Insurance After Divorce From The Spouse’s Employer

Many spouses asked whether or not they would be eligible to continue on their ex-spouse’s health insurance plan. Most of the time, that’s not available. Some health insurance plans allow for that. But, as per observations, 95 to 99% of them do not. 

There are some employers based in other states that allow that to happen, and so the ex-spouse is able to keep the other spouse on that plan. But for the most part, when you get divorced, you will probably not be eligible to continue on your ex-spouse’s health insurance plan.

Hire An Experienced Texas Family Attorney 

Divorce can be a difficult and challenging process for everyone involved, and it is important to have a lawyer who understands the legal complexities that come with it. Financial challenges during divorce can be especially problematic, as assets are divided, child support and alimony payments are determined, debts are allocated, and other financial matters must be settled. 

Having an attorney who is knowledgeable in the area of family law can be invaluable in helping to ensure that your rights and interests are protected. When considering a lawyer, it is important to look for someone who has experience handling divorce cases, understands the laws surrounding divorce and financial matters, and has a successful track record of positive results. 

An attorney should also be willing to listen to your concerns, provide sound advice, and explain the legal process in a way that is easy to understand. With the right attorney on your side, you can be sure that your case will be handled with care and expertise. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with attorney Tyler Monahan to discuss the details. 

Check our website for more information about our services. Plus, don’t forget to go through our blog to find out more regarding your case. There is tons of information on divorce and answers to unique questions like “How to Obtain Bank & Other Financial Statements From Your Ex-Spouse During Your Divorce?”   

FAQs Regarding Divorce 

Divorce cases are unique, so you will have many questions. To save you time and hassle, here are some topics that revolve around the area. For more information, contact our firm, Turner-Monahan, PLLC. 


The commentary and opinions are for informational and educational purposes only and not to provide legal advice. You should contact an attorney in your state to obtain legal advice concerning any particular issue or problem. You can become a client and enter the attorney-client privilege only after hiring Turner-Monahan, PPLC, by signing a written retainer agreement.

Speak to an Attorney today at the Law Office of Turner-Monahan to see how we can assist you in your divorce!


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