How Long Does it take for a Divorce to be Finalized?

How long will it take for my divorce to be finalize? Each divorce is unique which makes predicting the length of the divorce difficult.

It will depend on how willing both sides are able to agree and if you can agree outside of court without a judge stepping in to make the decision.

The attorneys at Turner-Monahan have helped thousands of clients through the divorce process and know how to create and fight for a plan that works for you.

Learn today from Tyler Monahan what factors go into the length of your divorce being finalized in Dallas-Fort Worth. 

How long does it take for my divorce to be finalized, I tell people all the time that every single case is a fingerprint. And no two cases are alike. Sometimes you can get them finished in 60 or 90 days, a lot of times they take four to six months to get finished.

Whether or not your divorce is finalized quickly and smoothly, or if it’s something that lasts long, really depends upon the parties. It depends upon how amicable the two parties can be.

It also depends upon making sure that you have an attorney that’s representing you, that understands how to get things resolved amicably.

The best-case scenario is to be able to come to an agreement where the two parties get to decide how they’re going to divide up their assets and also how they’re going to have a parenting plan later on.

Putting your case in front of a judge isn’t always the best choice as the judge is put in the predicament that they’re going to listen to an argument of three or four hours on one side or possibly even a day and then another three or four hours or day on the other side. And then they have to make a determination on what’s going to happen to your assets that you’ve obtained over 5-10-15-20-30, maybe 40 years. And also, what’s going to happen with your children. Where they’re going to primarily reside, who’s going to pay child support what that possession and access schedule will be.

Making the decision on your own and coming together to make an amicable decision is extremely important in the divorce process and getting it resolved in what I would call an efficient manner.


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